Hello, you've reached the personal website of
Simon Worthington
, sometimes called
Wo! Net
You can contact me
via e-mail.
My recipe for soda bread
Not just delicious bread that cooks in a flash, also an exposé on Big Buttermilk!
Digital nomad travel schedule
Celia and I have become digital nomads. This is where we’ll be.
Upcycling a vintage TV alarm clock with a Raspberry Pi
A love story involving a retro Saisho unit.
Weeknotes S2E2: Beyond showing the thing
When people say it's important to "show the thing", what thing are we talking about? Thoughts on linked data, fixing the plumbing and Personal Data Exchange.
Weeknotes S2E1: Data's gonna date
Keeping data fresh and why MVPs and agile thinking can get in the way – sometimes.
Two rules for optimising laundry
Shave vital seconds off your runs with my key strats.
Running a static Gem server from an S3 bucket
Deploy and consume Ruby development artifacts on a shoestring.
What I learned from a month of veganism
Getting by with no meat and cheese was easier than I thought.
The Fibonacci sequence in logarithmic time
A general technique for solving linear recurrence sequences, even in modular arithmetic.
Clearer types using alias templates in C++
How we can make C++ more human-friendly.
Hiding messages in colour-indexed images
Manipulation of the PNG palette can be used to hide data or messages in plain sight.
Ruby needs to get its functional on
First-class functions are the way forward, but Ruby is missing a few tricks.
Hesiod: storing user data in the DNS
A comprehensive guide on using the DNS as a lightweight directory store for user data and more
Theory and simulation of ion Coulomb crystal formation in a Penning trap
Appl. Phys. B, 2013
Silly JavaScript image effects using divs as pixels
Physics 4th Year Harsh Reality Calculator
If you're in your fourth year of physics at Imperial College London, this'll tell you how screwed you are.
memor-eyes 2
High-octane puzzle action that will take your visual cortex, break it's back, and make it humble.
Once Upon A Time In The Union
A short film set at Imperial College written, shot and edited in a week.
One-click backup in Windows 7/Vista
Some short info on using sdclt.exe, the backup utility introduced in Vista, and its command line parameters.